Thursday, April 9, 2009

Do They Really Exist???

I watched a supernatural movie
aka ghost movie
Some thoughts came across my mind
Do they really exist?
I asked myself

Starting from my childhood
I realised that I can see things that others can't see
I saw people just walk through "someone" body like nothing exist there
I saw "someone" floating in the air
I saw...

As a child at that time
I m very curious about "their" abnormality
I start asking
No answers for my questions
No adult willing to answer my questions
No kid saw what I saw

When I grow elder
A lot of these phenomena approached more clearer and real
I keep on searching answers for my questions

Equation 1: Ghost = Hallucination
Equation 2: Ghost = Myth
Equation 3: Ghost = Fantasy
Equation 4: Ghost = Bedtime story
Conclusion: Ghost = FAKE!!!
This is what majority answer me

I strongly reject this conclusion
I still believe that ghost really exist
Majority are against my stand
I still stand strong

I read an article about dimensions
I am right!!!
Ghost do really exist!!!

Our world is a multi-dimension space
We are now living in the 3rd Dimension(3D)
We can't deny that there are other living form in our and other dimension
Although we can't see or hear them because of the dimension portal blockage
But they still exist
Whether you believe it or not
They really exist

Why some feel their presence but some don't
This is because...
Till now
No answer for this question yet

Believe it
Ghost really exist...

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